Fermented Carrot Juice

Fermented carrot juice, which is unique to Turkish cuisine, is a healthy lactic asid fermented beverage of water, purple carrot, fermented carrot juice turnip, bulgur wheat flour, bread dough and salt. Hot pepper and garlic addable if requested.

Fermented carrot juice is a special beverage due to it’s unique taste and can be consumed with all type of foods, especially with the ones which are hard to digest.

Purple carrot which is a main raw material of fermented carrot juice includes saccharo which is used by lactic acid bacterias. Therefore, fermented carrot juice does not contain sugar.

Bulghur which is used in the fermentation process is one of the ingredients of fermented carrot juice. During the fermentation gluten protein is broken into pieces by yeasts.


-Fermented carrot juice is in the family of root vegetables, low calorie and a rich nutrient with B1, B2, C vitamins and calcium, potassium and iron minerals.

-Fermented carrot juice involves phytochemicals which are preventive for cancer. Furthermore, fermented carrot juice leafs involve strong protective antioxidants A and K vitamins as well against cancer.

-Besides nutrition facts, fermented carrot juice is digestive and reduce constipation with it’s rich fibre.

-Cooked roots are good for gout.


-Cleans lungs and bronchus.

-Good for dermatologic disorders

-Chlorothiazide with rich potassium.

-Good for rheumatism, stomach&intestinal diseases and sciatica pain.

-According to traditional Asia treatment, fermented carrot juice regulates body energy and blood circulation.

-Furtmermore, fermented carrot juice is an effective mucus cleaner and treats respiratory illness such as cough, asthma, bronchitis.

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